Empower your daughter to rise above challenges and achieve her fullest potential! Our program is designed to equip adolescent girls with essential life skills, confidence, and the tools they need to thrive in every aspect of life. Register today and watch her grow into a strong, empowered young woman ready to take on the world!
Welcome back Little Ladies of Promise after the holiday break!
Monday’s class involved discussion on health habits and ways to improve! Also pictured is our Affirmations mirror! #loveyourselfalways
Empower your daughter to rise above challenges and achieve her fullest potential! Our program is designed to equip adolescent girls with essential life skills, confidence, and the tools they need to thrive in every aspect of life. Register today and watch her grow into a strong, empowered young woman ready to take on the world!
Exciting times! Rise Above Poverty’s new youth initiative! Learn about and register for our girls mentoring program. We are ready to meet and mentor you!
We are pleased to announce that our program start date will be Monday, February 5th @ 6 pm. Our program location will be at 3112 Midland Ave Syracuse, NY 13205. Join us if you have a young lady between the ages of 7-15 years of age.
For more information please contact Tashika.Lewis@riseabovepovertysyr.org.